Vantage Canadian College is a further education College offering (O.S.S.D) –Ontario Secondary School Program which consistently ranked in the top 5 international academic high school programs. Being passionate about our students well being is why we also invest in our boarding system and also because we understand that boarding students tend to be self-reliant, committed to their studies and attain maturity quickly.
If you are considering having your child become a boarding student at Vantage Canadian College, here are few advantages that come with such decision;
Independence is one trait that boarding students tend to pick as they learn not to rely on others to perform primary tasks, they quickly learn how to perform domestic chores and complete school assignments by themselves. They also learn time, money and resource management and the life gives them the opportunity to attain maturity quickly.
The boarding life gets rid of distractions and allows them focus on their studies. As a result of this, the students also get to perform better academically because of the conducive learning environment.
Boarding school students live and attend classes with people from a variety of cultures; therefore, they learn to appreciate and respect the differences in one another and live amicably. Some may even learn the basics of another language as a result of the friendships they form.
The boarding system has a moral advantage as it helps shape students into building healthily exceptional character and attitude
There is a wider range of activities that boarding students are exposed to broaden their learning. They may participate in common sports and activities, such as football, music and band etc. in Vantage Canadian College, we believe extracurricular activities are extremely important to having a well-rounded school experience and feel that students who work hard deserve to have some fun and become more familiar with Canadian culture.