Academic Courses

Our students will be required to take 8 subjects in total, including English:
- Subjects are delivered on a modular basis, which means that students will study and complete several subjects in one semester before moving on to take another set of subjects in the following semester.
- Typically, they will take 2-3 subjects per semester, although they will have the flexibility to decide how many subjects they would like to take.
- Most subjects have a combination of 70% coursework + 30% final exams. As such, they will need to be on top of your homework, assignments and projects throughout the year.
- In addition, you will also need to complete the Ontario School Secondary Literacy Test (OSSLT) and complete a number of approved hours of Community Service.
- 3 to 4 subjects per semester.
- 70% coursework, 30% exams.
- Complete Ontario school secondary literacy test.
- Community Service.
Our Courses Include:
- English
- The Ontario Secondary School Literacy Course (OSSLC)
- Biology
- International Business
- Business Leadership
- Data Management
- Advanced Functions
- Calculus and Vectors
- Physics
- Chemistry
- Financial Accounting
- Computer Science
- Career Planning
- Economics
- Political Science
- Nutrition and Health Practicum
- Community Leadership

- French Languages
- Canadian Voice Training
- Leadership and Public Training
- About Canada Culture

Our faculty have exceptional credentials that are complemented by practical and real-world experience. By bringing together academic knowledge and industry experience who are certified teachers, we ensure that our students’ needs are at the forefront of each and every one of our courses.